How We Give




We at KumBaiYum strive to create ripples of wellness and continued giving with every customer that we serve. That philosophy is best evidenced by our commitment to donate 10% of all sales to select charitable endeavors. Making it easier for you to do good in the world, just by eating well.



 We have chosen to focus our giving efforts around endeavors that seek to strengthen developing nations. That is why a portion of proceeds from sales are dedicated to purchasing LuminAID lanterns via their Give Light, Get Light program. Every light that we purchase will be matched by LuminAID to donate an additional light to a needful recipient in a developing nation. Our lights are currently being routed to hospitals, schools and families in need in Haiti.


                            How LuminAID supports Peace Corps Projects — Pathway to Peace Corps                                 



We are also directing profits marked for charitable giving to programs that are working to deliver lasting solutions to accessible clean drinking water in developing nations. We recognize that rebuilding a nation starts by strengthening its people. The health outcomes associated with clean sustainable drinking water are instantaneous and have ripple effects across health and economic sectors. That is why we are supporting the development of additional solar powered desalinization units in Haiti.




No Batteries Needed: Can Low-Cost Solar Desalination System “Green ...


These units can produce thousands of gallons of clean drinking water from the ocean EVERY DAY, powered by high efficiency solar panels. A sustainable clean water source that is fed by the oceans and powered by the sun would mean water for life for Haiti. #water4life4haiti


Addressing the Global Water Crisis | Kid Reporters' Notebook ...


We thank you for taking the time time to read about our endeavors and  invite you all to take part in this social enterprise that aims to enrich the lives of those we touch and some that we will never meet.